
notyourtypefoundry(nytf) is a (very) small digital type foundry dedicated to showcasing and supporting experimental type design works of BIPOC and FLINTA* designers. We assist these people by offering technical support and publishing plan for their type design works. We hope to get financial suppport (funding) in the future to start host free to access workshops that offering BIPOC and FLINTA* designers/makers a platform for learning and doing type design collectively and publishing their typefaces.

★ For inquiries, say hi to Xiaoyuan through email


sometimes making typefaces
➧ regularly sharing discoveries
➧ mostly exploring ways of typing.

Terms of Use and Conditions
Upon downloading or installing the Font Softwares, you acknowledge having read, understood, and unconditionally agreed to the terms and conditions set forth in notyourtypefoundry's End User License Agreement当您下载或安装字体软件时,表示您已阅读、理解并无条件同意notyourtypefoundry的最终用户许可协议所规定的条款和条件。

notyourtype foundry is initiated by Xiaoyuan Gao.
Currently consists of...

Xiaoyuan Gao (for almost everything...)
Marie Madonna ( for web design and development)

news, upcoming releases, or just random updates, please find our instagram:


If you are a FLINTA designer and seeking for a platform for publishing your fun typeface(s), or just want to have a chat, say hi to Xiaoyuan:

New typefaces and designers coming somewhere in 2025 (hopefully)
KitchenSet by Hongshuang Fu

Font in use
commonSans (by Xiaoyuan Gao)