Introduce designerName and their freshly released fontName (test Page)

Areum Hwang

Areum is a graphic designer and visual artist. Having recently graduated fromArtEZ in the Netherlands, She is open to freelance work andcollaborations.

Introduce designerName and their freshly released fontName (test Page)

A conversation with Areum Hwang

How did you start this project?

There was a type design workshop host by Jungmyng Lee at ArtEZ Arnhem, I started it there. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris nec libero gravida, volutpat metus ut, aliquam ligula. Donec magna felis, mollis vitae diam eu, malesuada consectetur purus. Nam bibendum nunc libero, nec placerat massa imperdiet non. Etiam sed est vel felis semper vestibulum. Integer iaculis ac turpis eget accumsan. Etiam ac fermentum sapien. Sed massa leo, euismod eget mauris vel, imperdiet laoreet sem. Aliquam ut ipsum velit. Phasellus dapibus pulvinar ligula, quis eleifend risus interdum id. Maecenas vel laoreet nibh. Vestibulum convallis nulla sem, at maximus eros sagittis facilisis.

What’s the most challenging part of making this typeface, and what did you learn from it?

Cras a lacus velit. Pellentesque nec orci tristique, cursus lectus vel, tempus orci. Nam et fermentum sapien. Suspendisse feugiat tempor nisi ut tincidunt. Morbi accumsan egestas urna vitae consectetur. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin id metus eros. Vivamus at massa molestie, hendrerit eros sit amet, placerat justo. Nunc quis mauris nec enim cursus faucibus in ac leo.

Areum's Works

Introduce designerName and their freshly released fontName (test Page)
Introduce designerName and their freshly released fontName (test Page)
Introduce designerName and their freshly released fontName (test Page)
Introduce designerName and their freshly released fontName (test Page)
Introduce designerName and their freshly released fontName (test Page)
Introduce designerName and their freshly released fontName (test Page)