openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo

OpenBoek Type Drawing Workshop Participants

@dreamingproblems@zelootillustrations, simon, Iris van Velzen and some people I don't know their names...

openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo

A conversation with OpenBoek Type Drawing Workshop Participants

"OpenBoek" was a type-drawing workshop hosted by Xiaoyuan Gao at ClubSolo on December 7th. During the workshop the participants select and draw all the letters as the way they wanted to, there is no further instruction on how to draw, as the whole workshop is to embrace the freeform of drawing letters instead of following the classic rules of drawing letters. Later on Xiaoyuan vectorize the drawings into svg and imported them into Glyphs App, and finally export it as a font file — "OpenBoek-notRegular.otf".

OpenBoek is under SIL Open Font License (1.1) and available for download from notyourtypefoundry

Have fun!

Have a look

openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo
openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo
openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo
openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo
openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo
openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo
openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo
openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo
openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo
openboek a type drawing workshop at Club Solo